St. Mary's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Parish Life

Parish Life at St. Mary's Cathedral


Daily Mass

Mondays: 5:30PM

Tue-Sat: 7:30AM


Weekly Adoration and Benediction

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Thursday following the 7:30AM Mass. Adoration concludes with Evening Prayer and Benediction at 6PM. 


Weekly Confession

Mondays: 4-5:15PM

Saturdays: 4PM-5:15PM (every 1st Sat of the month, confession is offered after the 7:30AM Mass)


Coffee & Donuts

Come enjoy great fellowship and food at Coffee & Donuts after the 9 a.m. Sunday Mass from September through June. Have questions? Interested in volunteering? Contact Rhiana Kehrli:  rkehrli@comcast.net


Bible Study

The Cathedral Parish organizes Bible Studies open to all Cathedral Parishioners.  Beginning January 21st and 22nd, we will begin a Bible Study on the Book of Revelation!  Click the link below to access the flyer:

Revelation Bible Study

For more information or if you have questions, please contact Jenna Slotnick at jslotnick@cathedralpdx.org or 503.770.4791.



Knights of Columbus

Check out our page for the Cathedral Knights here!


Legion of Mary

The purpose of the Legion of Mary is two-fold: the spiritual development of its members and advancing the reign of Christ through Our Lady. It is a lay organization in the Catholic Church with millions members worldwide. Msgr O'Connor has granted the Legion permission to open a branch at the Cathedral.  In addition to prayer, the Legion members help the parish priest with a variety of endeavors. Some of the works that the Legion of Mary do are:
  1. Promoting Catholic devotions in the parish such Brown Scapular drives, Eucharistic Adoration, First Saturday Devotions, etc.
  2. Visits to the sick
  3. Visits to new parishioners
  4. Teaching religious education classes
  5. Home visitations to pray the rosary with families
  6. Home visitations with a Pilgrim Virgin statue
  7. Facilitating the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in parishioners' homes
  8. Leading and organizing a junior branch of the Legion of Mary for youth under the age of eighteen
Please contact Fernanda De Clercq at fdeclercq@cathedral-or.org if you have any questions. 


Seven Sisters Apostolate

Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop.  We are looking for ladies to commit to prayer one hour each week, thus covering a complete week, preferably in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  Please prayerfully consider joining this worthy cause.  https://sevensistersapostolate.org


Cathedral Choir

Do you love the choir? The Cathedral Choir returns for another season. If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact Angela Westhoff-Johnson in the parish office. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7pm and the choir sings at the 11am Mass September through May. Call (503) 228-4397


Volunteer Opportunities

St. Mary’s Cathedral serves the needy of our Northwest Neighborhood.  Lift Up Portland is a long-term partner of the cathedral in addressing the needs of the poor in our community.  Other volunteer opportunities around the area include:

Blanchet House

Urban Missionaries

Union Gospel Mission

St. Andre Bessette

St. Michael's Works of Mercy

Rose Haven



Please contact St. Mary’s Cathedral School office: 503-275-9370.