Family Resources
Archdiocese of Portland Website Link
You can find a collection of resources for Families within this website compiled by Jason Kidd, the Marriage, Family and Youth Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Portland.
Catholic Family Create
Faith in a box. The subscription for Catholic families. Bring the Catholic faith to life in your home. Learn the teachings of the Church. Grow in prayer and love with Jesus and the saints. Items vary each month. However, when the crate includes crafts or activities, each box automatically comes with supplies for three children. We also include a resource link to print more materials if you have more than three children or want to do the activity again. There are many larger families that enjoy our crates by printing extras or pairing up older and younger children to work on the crafts or activities together.
This is a recurring monthly subscription. You will be charged on the 15th of each month and kits ship quickly after so you receive it in time for the next month’s feast days.
A weekly Mass Companion for Kids. MagnifiKid is for children between the ages of 6 and 12.
Subscribers receive the issues on a monthly basis. In each month's packet, children will find a booklet of sixteen color pages for each Sunday, and also special issues for the major feast days (Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Ascension, Assumption, All Saints Day).
Additional Catholic Family Online Resources
Catholic All Year Ideas for living out the Liturgical year in your home.
Catholic Icing Catholic craft ideas and projects to do at home.
Chews Life Rosaries for babies, toddlers, kids and adults
Christian Kids TV Educational Videos for kids, Saint Stories, Feast Days and Catholic Catechesis
Be A Heart Catholic art, kids clothes, blankets, stationary and more….
Catholic Sprouts Coloring Pages Catholic Coloring pages for kids
Catholic Sprouts Parent Resources Parent resources for Teaching and living out the Catholic Faith at home.